Ricardo Pablo Pedro (2015 - ) and Nannan Mao (2017 - ), two of Millie's most recent students, recall their memories of her.
Graduate Student (Sep 5, 2015-)
Simulations of anisotropic 2D crystals such as Silicene
Study of polymers in external potentials
Topological Insulators
Carbon conference 2016, Penn State University
R Pablo-Pedro, H Lopez-Rios, et all. “Exploring Low Internal Reorganization Energies for Silicene Nanoclusters”. Phys. Rev. Applied, vol 9, issue 5. Published May 9, 2018. <https://journals.aps.org/prapplied/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.9.054012>
Topological directed Polymers
Postdoc (Jan 3th, 2017-)
Resonant Raman scattering of anisotropic 2D crystals (such as BP, ReS2)
Electron-photon and electron-phonon interactions in anisotropic 2D crystals
Thickness-dependent Raman Tensors of layered materials
1. June, 2013 — Peking University
First time attending one of Millie’s talks.
Strong, independent, enthusiasm for science!
2. Aug, 2016 — Peking University
Skype conversation with Millie.
Kind, Granny!!
3. Jan 3, 2017 — MIT
Became a postdoc in MGM group.
4. Jan, 2017 — MIT
Discussion in our office.
5. Feb 5, 2017 — (Sunday) MIT
Last conversation: Millie, Ricardo and I were discussing paper with in her office.
Passion for science