Morinobu Endo (collaborator, 1980-2017) shares his reflections on his 35 years of collaboration with Millie.
Morinobu Endo, Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Rodolfo Cruz-Silva, Yoong A. Kim, Takuya Hayashi
Prof. Dresselhaus’ philosophy of life: “Research is my life, and my life is research”
Started working on carbon science. Particularly, growth of carbon fibers by chemical vapor deposition.
1971 - Graduated from Shinshu University
1972 - Became Shinshu University Research Associate in 1972
Filamentous growth of carbon through benzene decomposition, A.Oberlin, M.Endo, T.Koyama, J Cryst Growth, 1976, 32(3), 335-349.
During the 70’s, I was working on carbon and was encouraged by reading papers written by Prof. S. Mrozowski and Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus.
We started our collaboration studying GICs using vapor grown carbon fibers.
1980 - Collaboration starts, 1980! We meet at the Second Conference on Intercalation Compounds of Graphite, Provincetown, Mass., 1980 (1980) Organized by Prof. F. L. Vogel.
1982 - First Joint Paper: Raman Studies of Benzene-Derived Graphite Fibers
1980’s - Joint studies on vapor-grown carbon fiber structures 80’s
1987 - Killian Lecture
1989 - Millie visits my lab in Japan.
We also studied the effect of heat treatment on vapor grown carbon fibers.
1997 -
1998 -
We worked on many types of carbon, but she always kept VGCF’s samples at hand.
2002 - Dr. M. Endo Nagano
2005 - NATURE joint publication. (Buckypaper from coaxial nanotubes, M. Endo, H. Muramatsu, T. Hayashi, Y. A. Kim, M. Terrones & M. S. Dresselhaus Nature 2005, 433, 476.)
2008 - CARBON meeting
Prof. Dresselhaus worked on all aspects of carbon science, from basic science, applications, and even history.
2012 - ICS at Tokyo
2016 - CARBON meeting
Professor Dresselhaus was always thinking about the future of Carbon Science and Nanotechnology. In her last visit to Shinshu University, she closed her talk to young researchers with the question: “What new discoveries awaits us in the nanoworld?”
July, 2016 - Tokyo
Millie-sensei, you are now writing papers in heaven. Please watch over Gene-sensei and your family that you loved and also world scientists for further development, as our researcher’s common mother. Thank you very much, Millie-sensei, and good-bye.